Okay, we’re just going to say it. If you haven’t had a low country boil, you aren’t living. There’s something about eating food with your hands that’s been dumped onto a newspaper-covered table that makes you feel alive.
Let’s have a quick history lesson, shall we? Back in the day, this seafood-laden feast was called “Frogmore Stew,” referencing a small area of South Carolina. But, don’t worry, no frogs here… yet. There’s a lot of debate on the origin of this dish, but most agree that it came from local shrimpers who were making best of what they had to put in a stew for their crew. (Say that five times fast). Similar to a Louisiana-style crawfish boil, this is a blessed mix of boiled shrimp, potatoes, corn, onions and spicy andouille sausage.
The secret ingredient to our low country boil is our Bayou Bay Crab Boil — it’s laced with just enough cayenne to get approval from Forrest Gump and Bubba himself. (RIP)